
Bruno the Great (925-965)

"Bruno the Great (German: Brun(o) von Sachsen, "Bruno of Saxony"; Latin: Bruno Magnus; May 925 – 11 October 965 AD) was Archbishop of Cologne from 953 until his death and Duke of Lotharingia after 954. He was the brother of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.

Bruno was the youngest son of Henry the Fowler and his second wife Matilda. While he was still a child, it was decided that he should pursue a clerical career. In the early 940s he was educated in Trier by the leading scholar, Israel the Grammarian. In 951, Otto appointed Bruno as his archchaplain.

Bruno soon received further advancement. In 953, the Archbishopric of Cologne fell vacant just when Conrad the Red, Duke of Lotharingia and Otto´s son-in-law, had joined a rebellion against Otto. By appointing Bruno to the vacant position, Otto provided himself with a powerful ally against Conrad (much of Lotharingia fell under the archdiocese of Cologne) just when he needed one most. By the next year, the rebellion had collapsed. Otto deposed Conrad as Duke of Lotharingia and appointed Bruno in his place." - ( 28.09.2019)

What we know


brother of Otto I the Great [brother of], Henry I (Bavaria) [brother of], Gerberga of Saxony [sister of], Hedwig of Saxony [sister of]
son of Matilda of Ringelheim [mother of], Henry I the Fowler [father of]

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